Analyze freelancer job posts

Find the jobs that are worth your time

Levity is saving freelancers time in their job hunt by scanning thousands of job posts in seconds to find the best fits.

Find the jobs that are worth your time

Why bother?

Are you a freelancer that spends hours a day searching for your next job? Are you wasting time sifting through jobs that are irrelevant to you?

Well, we have a solution. Levity evaluates potential job fits so you don’t have to. After collecting data about your relevant job preferences, our algorithm learns what to look for and seeks out the perfect roles for you: no trigger word lists, no filters.

We understand how valuable time is to a freelancer. So don’t waste any more of it.

Trusted by leading teams

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Wasted time is wasted money

Spending hours on irrelevant jobs
Focus on the jobs that are relevant to your skills
Low success rate due to "spray + pray"
Be competitive with every application
Freelancing is a competitive field
Gain an edge over others through speed

Automate what you couldn't automate before

Levity starts where rule-based automation ends
The next wave of automation software

Save time

Spend less time browsing irrelevant postings

Mechanical arm

Win more

Increase your success rate

Male graduate

Be faster

Be the first to apply to matching projects

Rise above mundane tasks

Get started


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